无机防水涂料是在水泥中掺有一定的聚合物 |
无机防水涂料是在水泥中掺有一定的聚合物,不同程度地改变水泥固化后的物理力学性能,主要是水泥类无机活性涂料,包括聚合物改性水泥基防水涂料和水泥基渗透结晶型防水涂料。可作为防水剂直接加入混凝土中,也可作为防水涂层涂刷在混凝土基面上,可大大提高混凝土的密实性和防水性。但是不适用于变形较大或受振动部位。无机锈钢铸件 保定建筑设计 螺杆式启闭机 保定搬家 电缆挂钩 保定室内设计培训 冲压机防水涂料由于凝固快与基面有较强的粘结力,与水泥砂浆防水层、涂料防水层粘结性好,最宜用于背水面混凝土基层上做防水过渡层。 Inorganic waterproof coating is a kind of cement-based inorganic active coating, including polymer modified cement-based waterproof coating and cement-based permeable crystalline waterproof coating. It can be directly added to the concrete as a waterproof agent or applied on the concrete base as a waterproof coating, which can greatly improve the compactness and waterproof of the concrete. However, it is not suitable for the parts with large deformation or vibration. Inorganic waterproof coating has strong adtuijian:jiedixiang.89ix.com www.tantgccl.cn www.xiaohuxianquan.com.cn www.jinggaimoju.com.cn fanghulan.37ix.com.cn shuichulit.75ix.comhesion with the base surface due to its fast setting and good adhesion with cement mortar waterproof layer and coating waterproof layer, so it is most suitable to be used as a waterproof transition layer on the back surface concrete ba |
上一页 防水混凝土的材料及配比水泥品种应按设计要求选用 |
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