做平地面如果您要更换卫生间的地砖, |
正值装修旺季,据业内人士介绍,卫生间的防水工程是家庭装修比较容易出现问题的地方,要格外关注这些家装中的"敏感区域"。用于卫生间防水的材料有很多种,基本上防水效果都不错,但要注意具体的施工细节。 It's the peak season of decoration. According to the insiders, the waterproof project of the toilet is the place where family decoration is easy to have problems. We should pay special attention to these "sensitive areas" in the home decoration. There are many kinds of waterproof materials used in the toilet, basically the waterproof effect is good, but pay attention to the specific construction details. 做平地面如果您要更换卫生间的地砖,在将原有地砖凿去之后,先用水泥砂浆将地面做平,然后再做防水处理。这样可以避免防水涂料因薄厚不均而造成渗漏。卫生间墙地面之间的接缝以及上下水管道与地面的接缝处,是最容易出现问题的地方。在施工中,接缝处应涂刷到位。 Make the floor flat if you want to replace the floor tiles of the toilet, after chiseling the original floor tiles, first make the floor flat with cement mortar, and then make waterproof treatment. In this way, leakage of waterproof coating due to uneven thickness can be avoided. The joint between the toilet wall and the ground, as well as the joint between the upper and lower water pipes and the ground, is the place where problems are most likely to occur. During construction, the joints shall be painted in place. 处理墙面在对一般的卫生间定送水 保定骨伤骨病 铜鼎铜钟 淤泥固化设备 保定舞蹈 化粪池钢模具 保定网站建设中,墙面上也涂上大约3 mm 厚的防水涂料,以防积水洇透墙面。如果使用两扇式的沐浴屏,相连的两面墙也要涂满。如果您家使用浴缸,与浴缸相邻的墙面,防水涂料的高度也要比浴缸上沿高出一些。建筑漏水,说明是防水层破裂或者有空隙,传统的方法就是修补防水层。 Treatment of wall in the general toilet waterproof treatment, the wall is also coated with about 3 mm thick waterproof coating to prevent water from flooding through the wall. If a two-piece shower screen is used, the two adjacent walls should also be covered. If you use a bathtub at home, the height of waterproof coating on the wall adjacent to the bathtub is also higher than the upper edge of the bathtub. Building leakage, indicating that the waterproof layer is broken or there is a gap, the traditional method is to repair the waterproof laye |
上一页 防水混凝土工程的模板应平整、拼缝严密不漏浆 |
下一页 防水混凝土的材料及配比水泥品种应按设计要求选用 |
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